1. By signing below, you confirm that the above information is accurate, that you have viewed the volunteer orientation slideshow, and that you understand all written and verbal information.
2. Pledge of Confidentiality
I am volunteering my time to help carry out the work of the In Service of Seniors program. I understand that in the course of my volunteer work and experience, I may learn certain facts (including protected health information) about individuals I help that are of a highly personal and confidential nature. Examples of such information include medical conditions and treatment, finances, living arrangements, employment, relations with family members, etc. I understand that all such information must be treated as completely confidential. I agree not to disclose any information of a personal and confidential nature to any person other than In Service of Seniors staff members.
I have completed the In Service of Seniors volunteer snow shoveling orientation and I understand that all personal health information and other information must be treated as completely confidential and is not to be revealed to any unauthorized source.
Having read this pledge, I understand and agree to abide by the In Service of Seniors policy on confidentiality.
I understand that failure to comply could result in my immediate dismissal as an In Service of Seniors volunteer.