Prior to Conference/Journal Submission
Prior to submitting your abstract/presentation/manuscript to a conference or journal, please use this form to submit the abstract/manuscript document to the Concept Administrator and/or Concept Executive Committee for review and approval.
Please be sure to include the following:
a.) Concept ID and Co-authors as identified in the Concept Writing Group
b.) Conference/Journal Name and Submission Due Date
c.) Approval by Principal Investigator of dataset (email confirmation)
d.) Documentation to confirm DOH approval (if DOH data used)
e.) Grant Number Acknowledgement
Abstracts/manuscripts will be reviewed by the SHARC Concept Administrator who will confirm with the SHARC Core Faculty Member and/or Concepts Executive Committee that the work is ready and approved for submission. The Concept Administrator will respond within 5 business days of receiving your request to submit an abstract, presentation, or manuscript. If you do not receive feedback within that timeframe, you may email the Concept Administrator at:
Final Conference/Journal Submission
Upon acceptance of the final draft of your abstract by a conference or your manuscript by a journal, please use this form to submit the final abstract/manuscript document to the Concept Administrator as a Concept Progress Report.