Narrative Section: Use up to 200 words for each of the following unless otherwise specified.
Project Revenues
In this section, list all of the funding sources you have identified for your project. This includes grants from other foundations, in-kind donations (donations of time, goods or services from your organization or others), or earned income.
Project Expenses
Please list the specific items or expenses needed for your project under Expense Items. For each item, list the amount you request from Moving ME Forward in Amount from Moving ME Forward. List the amount you will need from other sources in Amount from Other Sources if that applies. his text...
Budget Narrative
Describe how you plan to use the grant funds if you receive them and your plan for sustainability in 200 words or less. Please check the grant program guidelines for a list of what is eligible for support.
I understand that if selected for funding, that references and background checks will be required for individual applicants prior to release of funds.
I certify that the information provided in this grant application is true and current.
For online submissions, my typed name shall have the same force and effect as my written signature: