Butterfly Project Grant Application
Applying Educator:
First Name
Last Name
Educator Email
Educator Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
How many butterflies will you need/approximately how many students will be participating?
What grade(s) do you teach?
Have you participated in our Butterfly Project grant program in the past?
Approximately when do you plan to conduct The Butterfly Project at your school?
How do you plan to implement an educational component into the project?
What is your plan for creating a memorial/installment with the completed butterflies? Do you anticipate that it will be a temporary or permanent installation?
I am also interested in:
Hosting a Generations Speaker at a later date or while my class paints Butterflies (approx. 40-60 minutes in length)
Being joined by a Generations Speaker(s), to share an informal story about their survivor relative during our painting (approx. 15-20 minutes; can be done while your students paint)
Being contacted about scheduling a field trip to the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh – and possibly painting Butterflies during my field trip
Additional comments:
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