This scheme is designed specifically for not-for-profit Landcare groups that carry out typical Landcare activities. The following is a statement that the scheme is based around which can provide a guideline to the types of activities that this insurance provides cover for:
Community Landcare movement that promotes and advocates for natural resource management and ecologically sustainable development across farmland, bushland, parkland, beaches, national parks, rivers, dunes, creeks, Crown land, public land, private land, forests and travelling stock routes.
Activities include, bush regeneration and weed control; revegetation; repairing eroding gullies and stabilising riverbanks; collecting litter; creating and repairing walking tracks; protecting threatened species; stabilising sand dunes, working with councils on installing litter traps, equipment hire, property ownership conducting workshops, field days, site tours and collaborative learning.
If your organisation’s goals or activities do not fit within the above description, this cover may not be suitable and may leave you at risk.