JOB POSITIONS These may change slightly.
Rank your desired jobs in order of preference 1-5.
Kitchen 1. SUN-FRI 7:30-9:50am. Meal preparation and kitchen clean-up. (2 people)
*Kitchen 2. SAT 2-4:45pm / SUN-THURS 10am-12:20pm. Meal preparation and kitchen clean-up. (2 people)
Kitchen 3. SUN-THURS 11:20am-1:40pm / FRIDAY 9-11:20am. Meal preparation and kitchen clean-up. (2 people)
*Kitchen 4. SAT 2-4:45pm / SUN-THURS 1-3:15pm. Meal preparation and kitchen clean-up. (2 people)
Kitchen 5. SAT 7:45-8:45pm / SUN-THURS 3:35-4:35pm & 6:30-8:45pm w/ a 45-minute dinner break. Afternoons = Meal preparation; Evenings = Clear tables with a break in the middle to eat dinner at the same time as other campers. (1 person)
Dishes 1. SUN-THURS 8:40-9:50am & 2-2:50pm / FRI 7:30-11:30am. Morning dishes & afternoon table-clearing Sun-Thurs. On Friday, do the dishes and then help with island cleanup as needed. (2 people)
*Dishes 2. SAT 2:45-4:45pm / SAT, MON, WEDS 7-9pm / SUN, TUES, THURS 1-3pm. Clean dishes & pots. (1 person)
Dishes 3. SAT, MON, WEDS 7-9pm / SUN, TUES, THURS 1-3pm / THURS 11pm-1am. Clean dishes & pots. On Thursday night, help tear down the sound system and clean the Rec. Hall after the final concert. (2 people)
Dishes 4. SUN, TUES, THURS 7-9pm / MON, WEDS 1-3pm / FRI 7:30-11:30am. Clean dishes & pots. Help with Island cleanup as needed on Friday morning. (3 people)
The Early Bird. SAT 2:45-4:45pm / SUN-THURS 7-9am / FRI 8am-12noon. Clean classrooms & Rec. Hall. Collect dirty dishes & light fires on cold days. (1 person)
*ALSO NOTE: Jobs marked with an * asterisk require arrival on the 12noon boat on Saturday, June 8th. Please include this job as one of your Top 5 choices ONLY if you would be able to arrive at that time.