Rank recognition is ONLY for active/current USBBF members. No action will be taken without a valid USBBF membership number.
Life members and those on or beyond their second annual periods pay a $45 fee. All others incur a $150 fee.
Although you may have submitted much of this information previously - we ask that you fill the form out fully. Information may have changed.
Focus on your history. If you already have a bio/training resume it is suggested that you submit that via email and note that in the form.
You must submit your current rank certificate along with at least one of your previous rank certificates. This should be done via email.
This form may be printed out and submitted via email or mail. Everything submitted goes towards building your file.
We will contact you if we have any questions. Please allow 2 weeks for processing. We make no forcast as to how long the process will take.