Personal Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Confirmation Email
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Client Suitability Questions
We want to get to know you better so we can better serve you!
What kind of services are you looking for?
Canadian Business Tax, Accounting and Consulting Services
Please note that we do not offer US tax services. Thank you for your understanding.
What do you do for a living?
What kind of business are you in?
Mark all that apply to you:
I am comfortable working with my consultant online
I am comfortable providing my data securely through the internet
I am prompt in my correspondence to ensure my consultant receives all that they request
I agree that a business relationship should be professional in getting the work done efficiently
I agree that a business relationship should be an opportunity to learn something valuable together
I respect and value my time along with my consultant's time
None of the above
What is one business problem you are looking to solve together? (optional)
What does success look like to you for your business, both qualitative and quantitative wise? (optional)
Any information you would like to share with us before we start discussions together? (optional)
Let us know any special events that happened, changes to your taxes or financial situation, any concerns or details to be aware of. etc.
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