By signing here, I acknowledge & understand that I am responsible for on-time payment of all rent, maintenance, administrative, and other charges due through the end of the lease; that giving my notice of intent to vacate does not exclude me from enforcement of the terms of the lease during the notice period and failure to comply with the terms of the lease prior to my vacating can result in legal action against me prior to my vacating; that if everyone is moving from the home a full notice of intent to vacate is not considered received until all parties occupying the home have given notice; that if there is a refund of the security deposit it will be in the form of a check with all parties to the lease named on the check; any refund check will not be sent until at least 28 days after the move out review of the end of the lease, whichever comes last. Should I choose to change my mind about moving out and Tandem agrees to extend the lease either for any amount of time including a holdover period, I will be subject to additional administrative charges as stated in the original lease.