Preparing Your Dog
We ask that you fast your dog for 24 hours prior to each of your sessions.
Food rewards are an important part of the training. Even if your dog is a very good eater it should be fasted for 24 hours. No amount of food drive actually makes up for authentic hunger. Authentic hunger is very important as it is required to help your dog during the “odour recognition” & “contrast” phases of training. The contrast phase is critical as it gives your dog clarity and prevents your dog from making inappropriate associations and thus sabotaging the reliability of the training. If you choose not to fast your dog and its food drive is affected, we may determine your dog to be 'low food drive'. Please ensure you have read the section in our Terms & Conditions titled 'Food Drive' to understand what this would mean for your dog.
No prior exercise or obedience
Please do NOT exercise your dog any time within the 24 hour prior to each of your sessions. While you may normally find your dog easier to manage after exercise, we require your dog to be full of energy and motivation.
We also ask that you please refrain from doing any obedience with your dog immediately prior to and during the training. Obedience can inhibit your dog and we need the dog to stay open and happy to explore; we don’t want the dogs looking to the owners for permission to explore/investigate the snakes.
Please bring
Dogs water bowl, dog lead and either a secure well fitted harness or collar with a metal buckle is required for both sessions.
Only fixed dog leashes can be used during trainig, bungee and extendable dog leashes cannot be used.
Plastic clip on collars, choker chains, martingales, halti/gentle leaders are all inappropriate for this training.