HometownBuyersClub CASH OFFER form:
Homeowner / Seller:
First Name
Last Name
What is the best call back number to reach you?
Area Code
Phone Number
If we are not able to reach you, do you have a 2nd phone# to a spouse or family member?
Area Code
Phone Number
E-mail address:
Property Address: MUST be Single family Homes, Townhouses, Condos, Duplexes, Triplexes, Quadplexes & Multi-tenant buildings ONLY. Mobile Homes OK.
Street Address
Is this an Apartment or house? (MUST get Apt# or Lot#)
Please Select
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Zip Code
Is the Home listed on the MLS with another Realtor? If it's under contract, we would not be able to help you right at this moment. We would need to wait until the contract has expired before we can proceed unless you're willing to cancel the listing agreement or its expiring.
If under contract, find out when it will be expiring.
Is this a single family residence or Multifamily? If Multi-Family, How many units? How much is each renting for? Month to Month or a lease? If lease, when does it expire?
Who's name is on the deed of the property? Is the deed listed under the husbands / wife name jointly? (Find out if you are talking to the actual homeowner or a wholesaler trying to JV the deal with us? Get the homeowners Info as well as the JV wholesalers Info. Please indicate this in the notes).
Who holds title to the property?
Lowest Asking price? - If I was able to meet your timeline & I could offer you a FULL CASH price where you NET the entire amount in your pocket & won't have to worry about coming up with any closing costs, any expenses for repairs or realtor commissions, what would be your absolute lowest asking price?
Lowest asking price?
Please select the MAIN reason for why are you selling:
Financial issues
Tax delinquency
Health issues
Code violations
What year was the house built?
Get this Info from Propstream - MLS. Verify with customer - Year?
If the house was built prior to 1970, Ask this Question: Has the electrical breaker panel ever been updated?
Yes or No?
Is the property a block or wood frame home?
Block or wood frame?
Is the property on public sewer or a septic tank?
Public sewer or Septic?
How many Bedrooms & Baths? Is this what is on record with the town/ city?
Get this Info from Propstream - MLS. Verify with customer - Example: 4 bedrooms/ 3 baths
Whats the square footage of the house?
Get this Info from Propstream - MLS. Verify with customer - Example: 2000 sq ft
Property Condition: Important: Are there any repairs that need to be done to the house that we should know of?
Roof repairs - Leaks, drywall damage, paint work inside or outside, plumbing, A/C, Tile replacement, carpeting, Termite infestation, Storm Damage, Fire Damage, unfinished construction?
Any liens, back taxes, Permit issues, Code violations? If so, what is the amount? if they say NO, you want to say: Are you sure you don't owe any back taxes & are you sure there are no liens of any kind attached to the property. How much are the liens &/or back taxes owed?
Please list any issues above if any? Amount? Otherwise, type: NA
Have you done any upgrades to the home in the past 2 years?
Granite counter tops, kitchen cabinets, Carpeting, Tile, Appliances, new roof, landscaping?
What type of flooring in Kitchen/ Baths/ Hallways/ Foyer/ Bedrooms?
Linoleum, Hardwood, Carpeting? Please list details above.
What type of condition are the kitchen counter tops in? Granite, Laminate?
Would you say: Good condition, Fair condition or needs replacing.
What type of condition are the Carpets in?
Would you say: Good condition, Fair condition or needs replacing?
What type of condition is the Tile in?
Would you say: Good condition, Fair condition or needs replacing?
What type of condition are the walls in?
Would you say: Good condition, Fair condition or needs replacing?
Are there any foundation issues / sinking / cracking / water seepage?
List issues...
Are there any plumbing issues that you are aware of?
List plumbing upgrades...
What is the age of the roof? How old? Are there any issues / leaks?
Would you say: Good condition, Fair condition or needs replacing?
Are you current on your Mortgage payment?
Yes or No?
And how much do you still owe on the mortgage? Is it paid off?
Estimated balance?
Who lives in the property now? Owner occupied? Vacant? Renters? Squaters?
Who lives in the property?
If there are renters living in the property, please indicate how much is the rent they are paying & how long is left on their lease? Otherwise, type in "N/A"
Type in rent amount & length of time left on the lease
How quickly do you need to close on the property?
2 weeks
3 weeks
1 month
2 months
3 months
Select from the drop down.
The ARV is the dollar amount that we will sell the property to a Buyer after we fix it up. Always RUN comps going down 200 Sq ft & up 200 Sq ft against the subject property Sq footage, same # of bedrooms & bathrooms, that have been sold within the last year & also make sure the comps are within a 0.5 to 1 mile radius. This will give you the average sales price = ARV.
Repair Amount:
Please use Cheat Sheet to determine the cost of the repairs based on the sq footage & also if the repairs are light, average or heavy repairs.
Wholesale Fee:
The wholesale fee should be: $30,000, $20,000, $15,000, $10,000 or $5,000 based on the property ARV.
Determine the Maximum Allowable Offer - ARV x .70% for closing costs, fees & carrying costs. Next, subtract the cost for repairs. This is the MAO.
(GO TO DOCU-SIGN FORM) You will need to EMAIL or TEXT this Docusign form link to the Homeowner/ Seller. Very important: The seller MUST type in their name & email address 1st. Then the Seller MUST type in our company name: HometownBuyersClub, LLC. & our email address: offers@HometownBuyersClub.com so that it forwards to us for our signature. Here is the DocuSign link: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=153ce0f8-437e-4624-98cb-a8cb2060f989&env=na3-eu1
Next steps - Read to Homeowner:
In order to get your property sold quickly, the next step is VERY IMPORTANT: We need pictures of the property within 24-48 hours. You can take pics on your smartphone if you wish. If you do not have a smart phone with a camera, then we recommend asking a friend or family member to take pictures with their camera or phone. We need pics of the inside & outside including the front yard / backyard of the home. We need multiple pics of each room including the kitchen, family room, dining room, HVAC, electrical panel, bedrooms & bathrooms that show the floors, walls & ceilings. Please email the pictures & include your subject property address in the subject line to: Offers@HometownBuyersClub.com
FINAL STEP: Also, tell the Homeowner: Part of getting this property sold asap is the pictures like I mentioned. The next step will be an inspector / contractor to go out & get estimates on repairs. We need to be able to access the property? What is the Lock box code? Are there tenants occupying the property? Who is the contact person to allow us access? And what is their phone#? What are the best days & times to access your home? Mornings / afternoons / evenings? Weekends? (Indicate this below)
Agents Name / Call Center Name:
Agents Name & Call Center Name.
Agents best contact#:
Agents best contact#.
Agents Email Address:
Agents Email Address.
Notes/ Comments or additional instructions:
Submit CASH Offer Form
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