Please make a note of the amount you need to pay.
Direct Deposit details are:
Westpac Bank, BSB 034 002, A/c 361 956.
Please quote reference YOURNAMEspring. If you can only use numbers, use YOUR MOBILENUMBER0923 as reference
PAYPAL After you have completed this booking form and clicked the SUBMIT button you will be taken to a page acknowledging your booking with a link to pay via Paypal. Enter the total amount to pay. In the NOTE area please enter spring, your personal name if it is not already displayed and your email address if it is different to your paypal account.
Cheques and postal orders should be made in favour of Queensland Federation of Astrologers Inc and posted to The Treasurer, QFA Inc, PO Box 515, Waterford Qld 4133 along with this printed form. Please make sure your name is clearly written on the back of your cheque.
To print a copy of this form when completed please click the PRINT button below before you click the "Submit" button.