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I am interested in: Multi-select OK
Real Estate Investor screening services
Credit repair link to refer others
Credit repair free consultation for me
A virtual meeting with my audience
I'm a Realtor and need a referral link
I'm a Mortgage broker or loan officer
I would like to refer other Investors
I have a tenant buyer already in one or more of my houses that needs credit repair
Welcome Real Estate Investor!
Please take a minute to help us associate you with the people you refer to us. Once registered, you will receive a branded link to your private, customized tenant/buyer application (a $1,000 value). Marketing Tip: Share your branded hyperlink with your tenant/buyers via text message, email, marketing materials (such as Craig's List advertisements or Facebook), or on your web page. Note: fields with a red asterisk are required.
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Author's note
20190522. The field below "spreadsheet to form widget is being hidden due to failure to intergrate on-line via Google spreadsheet. If/when problem is resolved re-visit this widgets incorporation. Code look up is not working.
Enter a code you will provide to your applicants to see if it is available.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number (public viewed)
this phone number will be viewed by your applicants
Phone Number (private -internal use only)
used for us to contact you directly in regards to applications submitted
Email (public viewed)
this email will be viewed by your applicants
Email (private -internal use only)
used for us to contact you directly in regards to applications submitted
company name included in your branded link. Alphabet characters only!
Company "ABC Investors" produces:
Who referred you?
Please provide the name of the person who referred you to us.
Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for us?
Help up protect your code: Please verify that you are human by typing the following phrase in the text box (and then click the Submit button):
Interest score
Should be Empty: