All individual and institutional ACPA members in good standing and ACPA entity groups can nominate an individual or group for a named program. Individuals or groups nominated must have demonstrated one or more of the following:
-made an outstanding lifetime contribution to ACPA;
-made a significant contribution to student affairs and/or higher education; or
-made a significant monetary or in-kind contribution to the ACPA Foundation.
Additionally, nominated individuals or groups must demonstrate (or have demonstrated) support for ACPA’s core values and a commitment to equity and inclusion.
Nominations will be accepted by all ACPA members and ACPA entities for an ACPA-sponsored activity (program, symposia, institute, award, scholarship, etc.) via an online form.
The application must include:
- a summary of the nominee’s accomplishments and contributions to ACPA
- If available, a resume should be included as an optional supporting document
The ACPA Governing Board will review all submissions and the recommendation will be accepted with a two-thirds vote. If the request is not approved, it might be re-submitted for future consideration.
Request for revocation of a named activity may be submitted by all ACPA members and ACPA entities for a previously named ACPA-sponsored activity (program, symposia, institute, award, scholarship, etc.) via an online form. The ACPA Governing Board will review all submissions and the recommendation will be accepted with a two-thirds vote. If the request is not accepted, it might be re-submitted for future consideration of revocation.
(Retrieved from ACPA Standard Operating Procedures, Article IX: Miscellaneous, Section 9.10 Naming Guidelines for Programs, Symposia, Institutes, Awards, Scholarships, and other ACPA-affiliated areas and activities)