Please make checks payable to the Broward Education Foundation
If your budget will not fit within these prescribed categories, please contact Coco Burns at 754-321-2032 for guidance. We will work on exceptions. Please do not submit an expense that does not fit a category below or one that has not been approved by the Foundation staff.
You must specify exactly how each dollar of this grant was expended. You may use broad categories such as: salary, benefits, travel, training, books, software, equipment, teaching supplies, etc.
Allowable expenditures include
programmatic staff, benefits for program staff, training/conferences, professional and technical services, classroom materials, computer software, computer hardware, other equipment, program supplies, travel, and printing.
Non-Allowable expenditures include
administrative expenses, capital improvements, support of interscholastic athletics, refreshments, decorative items, awards for outstanding service, and the entertainment of dignitaries.
Click here for a sample template for program evaluation plan