Request for Funding
Funding from the Paragould Advertising and Promotion Commission is based on sponsoring programs and events that
increase tourism and have a measurable impact on the economy of Paragould. Requests for funding come with the
understanding that the organization will provide evidence that the funds were spent on items or outreach that would not
have otherwise been within the financial reach of the organization.
All applications are due by:
January 31st
– 1st Quarter Meeting (Main Funding Cycle)
April 30th
– 2nd Quarter Meeting
July 31st
– 3rd Quarter Meeting
October 31st
– 4th Quarter Meeting
All applications can be mailed, hand-delivered, or emailed to the secretary of the
Paragould Advertising and Promotion Commission at Paragould City Hall, located at 301 West Court Street, Paragould, AR
72450. Applicants must submit 2 copies of the application. All applications must be completed in full and include all required attachments. Incomplete applications will not be considered for funding.
The Paragould Advertising and Promotion Commission will hear presentations at its quarterly meeting from organizations
applying for funding. You will be notified in advance of the date, time, and location of the presentation.
Tourism Funds are available to any organization in Paragould actively marketing their attraction/event to attract out-of-town visitors. Qualifying projects must meet the following criteria:
• To advertise and promote the city and its environs.
• For the construction, reconstruction, equipment, improvement, maintenance, repair, and operation of a convention
center or public recreation facilities.
• For funding of public events, festivals, sporting events.
• For funding of arts or operations of arts facilities or tourist-oriented facilities.
• Preferences will be given to Paragould facilities, businesses, and organizations.
• It is not the A&P Commission’s intent to fund requests that could be funded by the requesting organization.
a) APPLICATION: Complete the application and forward the original to Paragould Advertising and Promotion Commission. The application must be completed in full and have all required attachments. Incomplete forms or other deviations from the application format may result in omission from the evaluation process. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages or documents to the application. The application process shall coincide with these guidelines adopted by the Advertising and Promotions Board.
b) BUDGET: Each applicant shall provide a proposed budget for the project, including all planned expenses and all revenue. Please attach quotes or invoices to reflect budgeted expenses.
c) PREVIOUS YEAR (if applicable): When requesting funds for the same event, please attach the previous year's finalized budget reflecting all revenue, expenses, and final profit or loss.
The A&P Commission will provide funding according to the following guidelines. Maximum funding allowed – 80% of total budget for event Completed applications will be reviewed by the A&P Commission. All funds will be paid from invoices following the return of the summation form. Exceptions will be reviewed and awarded by the A&P Commission. All applications will be reviewed during the open enrollment period set by the A&P Commission. All application requests are subject to availability of funds.
The organizations responsible for management of the project/event will be responsible for ensuring the cost of the project/event. Applicants cannot transfer funds from one specific project/event to a different project. Any deviation from the application must be submitted in writing to the Paragould Advertising and Promotion Commission. The Paragould Advertising and Promotion Commission must be notified in writing as soon as possible if the applicant does not plan to use the funds which have been approved. The funds will be paid from invoices by the A&P. Please submit all paid invoices to the A&P Commission with the summation form. Funds will not exceed the awarded amount. Note: If invoices do not total the amount of the funding allocated the monies will be put back into A&P fund for future events. When funds are awarded pre-event, all funds not expended as approved in the application will be refunded to the A&P Commission.
Projects/events must be completed by the stated date of the event and all reimbursement requests and/or documents shall be submitted to the Paragould Advertising and Promo on Commission within 60 days of the completion of the project/event and prior to the December 30 of the event year. Applicant awardees must provide a written summary of the
event including:
• Number of participants/viewers/spectators/attendees
• Number of local motel rooms booked and total number of nights booked.
• Overall economic impact of the project/event on the local community
• A financial report, evaluation of the event and disclosure of other funding sources
• When applicable a sample of the finished product (brochure, flyer, advertising copy)
Future funding may not be allowed for events/projects if the information is not provided or is incomplete.