r/GeekToTech Moderator Application
Thanks for your interest in modding r/GeekToTech! Please fill out the form below to apply.
Reddit username?
Example: /u/usernamehere
What timezone do you live in?
Have you ever been banned from a subreddit, or removed from a mod role on one? If so, please explain why.
What would make you a good mod for r/GeekToTech? Describe something about yourself that you feel would set yourself apart from others and provide us with a unique value.
Do you have any experience with AutoModerator, Toolbox, Slack, IRC, CSS, bots, or programming in general? (If yes, name which ones you use, and the extent of your knowledge).
Anything else you'd like to add or any changes to r/GeekToTech?
Is there anything else you want to tell us? If so, use this space.
Do You know how to create a Reddit live thread and Can you run live thread (Apple or Google...etc)Keynote Thread during the events.
I am willing to actively participate in mod discussions behind the scenes, both on a private subreddit and via a Slack
Should be Empty: