In exchange for SANDIA OFFICE SUPPLY CORPORATIONS (SANDIA OFFICE SUPPLY) consideration of this employment application:
I certify that all information I have supplied in this application and any other form, oral or written is true and accurate, and I agree that any misstated, misleading, incomplete or false information is grounds for rejection of this application, refusal to hire or immediate discharge without recourse.
I understand and agree that SANDIA OFFICE SUPPLY, any agent acting on their behalf, as well as any other person responding to reference request pursuant to this application, can and will seek and/or disclose any and all information about me which SANDIA OFFICE SUPPLY, agent or agents, or persons may have. I specifically authorize said disclosure and agree to hold all such corporations, agents, or persons harmless for the same. That is, I will not file a lawsuit, claim or charge against them for such disclosure. Nor will I threaten same or otherwise seek any kind of compensation for such disclosure.
I understand and agree with the fact that SANDIA OFFICE SUPPLY maintains a drug-free workplace, that maintenance of same is essentially the safety of the workplace and employees, and that I will be required to undergo a pre-employment medical examination, including, but not limited to, drug and/or alcohol screening and testing. I also understand and agree that I may be subject to such testing during the course of my employment, and I specifically agree not to oppose in any fashion such pre-hire or post-hire testing. I also acknowledge that I have been advised that SANDIA OFFICE SUPPLY is an Equal Opportunity Employer, that SANDIA OFFICE SUPPLY does not discriminate against persons who are physically or mentally handicapped, and that SANDIA OFFICE SUPPLY administers its employment policies in a nondiscriminatory manner.
I specifically authorize SANDIA OFFICE SUPPLY to investigate my background, including any and all references, available criminal and other judicial records, and my credit record, consistent with applicable law. I understand that SANDIA OFFICE SUPPLY will notify me if and when a credit record investigation is performed, and the sources investigated. I authorize SANDIA OFFICE SUPPLY to use all legal means at its disposal to assess my suitability for employment. I make this authorization in return for SANDIA OFFICE SUPPLY’ consideration of me for employment, and I specially release and hold SANDIA OFFICE SUPPLY harmless for any and all liabilities arising out of their investigation of my application for employment.
I understand and agree that, if hired, my employment will be at will, and that I or SANDIA OFFICE SUPPLY can terminate this employment relationship at any time, with or without notice, for any reason, good or bad, without recourse by either of us.
I hereby certify that I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions of this application.