Please fill out this section if you are requesting financial assistance, and indicate which type of financial assistance is applicable to your dancer.
These are the different areas of financial assistance:
1. Family Discount: $10 off monthly tuition for the 3rd or 4th (or more) child currently dancing.
2. Car Pool: 10% Tuition Discount. Parents drive a weekly car pool from the Middle School or Junior High.
Tuition scholarships (full or half) are offered to dancers according to the criteria listed below. Those receiveing scholarships are asked to trade service hours at events during the dance year. Hours can be served at the SOP Day, Competitions, or by laundering costumes.
The Pre-Junior team scholarship covers 48 hours of class time. Parents must fulfill 14 hours of event help for a full-tuition, or 7 hours for a half-tuition scholarship.
• Public Servants: For dancers who supported by a primary-providing parent working in either public education or law enformcement.
• Hardship For dancers whose families are experiencing a harship in finances, health or other crisies.
Sewing Mother. Sewing mothers must have experience with both a sewing machine and serger. Sewing mothers receive a tuition and fees trade by the piece for the items they sew. If you are interested in becoming a sewing mother, please check below and we will contact you to discuss your sewing experience and additional requirements.