I certify that I am the owner of the above-described animal. I have brought my pet to Veterinary Behavior Consultants, for advice on decreasing their aggressiveness (growling, snarling, lunging, barking, snapping, or biting).
I understand that aggression by animals can cause injury, including fatal injury, to other animals, to other people, and to me. I understand that there is no guarantee that this treatment will be successful, and it is impossible to insure that my pet will not cause harm in the future.
I understand that if I pursue treatment of my aggressive or reactive pet, it will be my responsibility to take appropriate precautions to prevent my pet from causing harm. These precautions may include, but are not limited to, informing persons near my pet of its proclivity for aggressive behavior, keeping them on a leash, muzzled or with a head collar, and/or keeping them restrained behind doors, gates, or fencing. I also understand that it is my responsibility to be aware of and to comply with all state and local ordinances concerning aggressive animals. Finally, I understand that if my pet causes harm in the future, I may be held liable for such harm.