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Which phrase describes your general attitude best?
Where there's a will, there's a way
Better safe than sorry
I like to keep busy
To each their own
I expect nothing and appreciate everything
I don’t say maybe if I mean no
I like to help in any way I can
Positive mind, positive life
Stay humble. Work hard. Be kind
You're scheduled for a show but find you have a flat tire when you are set to go. You
find a replacement for your role as soon as possible
find another mode of transportation and get to HQ as soon as you can
call to cancel explaining that you have no control over a flat tire
call Murder For Hire to see what options may be available that you haven't thought of
You have been asked to fill in for a fellow actor who has an emergency, you
say no because you don't have time to learn lines
say yes, but you will need help with your lines as you haven't played the role before
say yes, but you expect the favour to be returned
say no as you were looking forward to an evening at home
What situation would you consider an emergency (check all that apply) requiring you to cancel on an event
You have come down with the flu
You have a flat tire
A friend is leaving town and there is a going away party that you just can't miss
A family member is dying
You slipped on ice in the parking lot and are being transported to hospital
Your bad back has been acting up all day
How did you hear about us?
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