I understand that I am opting for rehabilitation service/s which are not urgent.
I also understand that the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. I further understand that COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread by person-to-person contact; and, as a result, federal and state health agencies recommend social distancing. I recognize that the staff of Magnolia Physical Therapy and wellness are closely monitoring this situation and have put in place reasonable preventative measures aimed to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
However, given the nature of the virus, I understand there is an inherent risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 by virtue of proceeding with rehabilitation. I hereby acknowledge and assume the risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 through these visits and wish to proceed.
I understand that, even if I have been tested for COVID and received a negative test result, the tests in some cases may fail to detect the virus or I may have contracted COVID after the test.
I understand that possible exposure to COVID-19 before/during/after my therapy may result in the following: a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, extended quarantine/self-isolation, additional tests, hospitalization that may require medical therapy, Intensive Care treatment, possible need for intubation/ventilator support, short-term or long-term intubation, other potential complications, and the risk of death. In addition, after my elective treatment/procedure/surgery, I may need additional care that may require me to go to an emergency room or a hospital.
I understand all the potential risks, including but not limited to the potential short-term and long-term complications related to COVID-19, and I would like to proceed with my desired treatment/therapy.
I also agree to inform my therapist if I develop any of the following symptoms : fever, general malaise, muscle weakness/pain, dry cough, difficulty breathing, pink eye,a positive COVID-19 test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 in the past two weeks.
To protect my therapist from contracting or spreading COVID-19, I agree to don a face mask during home visits, and will request all present family members to don a face mask.