Adoption Application and Waiver
Perspective Pet Parent
First Name
Last Name
Name of Pet You Wish to Adopt
Email address
Your Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Your Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Work phone
Area Code
Phone Number
Applicants age
Why do you want a kitten/cat?
Do you own any pets? If so, how many
Pet's names and ages
Pet's Breed
Are your pets spayed/neutered? Do they have their shots?
Where do your current pets stay? Inside home Outside home Inside/Outside
Please provide your veterinarian's name and phone number:
Have you ever lost a pet or have a pet pass in the past 7 years ? Have you ever given up a pet? If so, please explain :
How much do you think it costs to care for a new kitten/cat a year?
Do you own or rent your home?
If you rent, please provide your landlord's information here:
Do you plan on declawing your cat?
Number of people in the household. Please give full names and relationship to you (child, husband, friend) below
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please provide detail to include ages of any children:
Does anyone in the home have allergies? If so, please provide detail:
Where will your new kitten/cat stay? Inside only inside/outside Outside
How many hours per day would the pet be alone?
If you go on vacation or have an emergency, where would your pet stay?
How much time will you give your new pet to adjust?
Please provide the names and contact numbers for 2- 3 personal references not related to you :
Do you understand that adopting a pet is a LIFETIME commitment? That pets are NOT disposable?
By clicking the submit button, I agree to Cuddles and Purrs Rescue adoption process.
By clicking the submit button, I understand Cuddles and Purrs Rescue will check my references including veterinary and personal.
By clicking the submit button, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Cuddles and Purrs Rescue against any losses, lawsuits, claims, injury, damages incurred by me or to any persons or property by my adopted pet, once adoption has been completed.
By clicking the submit button, I understand that Cuddles and Purrs Rescue has every rescue kitten and cat examined and treated by licensed vets, and each kitten/cat has received age appropriate vaccinations, are tested negative for felv/fiv, spayed/neutered, dewormed for all three types, and flea meds have been given. I hereby agree to hold harmless and to indemnify Cuddles and Purrs Rescue, its volunteers, agents and/or veterinarians, for any health issues that may arise after adoption.
I agree to contact Cuddles and Purrs Rescue if I can not keep my adopted kitten/cat.
I agree to keep my new kitten/cat indoors.
I agree that my kitten/cat will receive proper food, water, and veterinary care.
I agree to not declaw my adopted kitty.
By clicking the submit button, I verify all of the above information is true and accurate.
Signature of Potential Pet Parent
Should be Empty: