Please state the amount of vehicle owned accordingly by type of vehicle / Sila nyatakan jumlah kenderaan yang dimiliki sewajarnya mengikut jenis kenderaan
Trip #1
Please specify your travel time.
Sila nyatakan dengan perinci masa perjalanan.
Please choose your starting location, destination and state the purpose of the trip.
Sila pilih lokasi mula perjalanan, destinasi dan nyatakan tujuan perjalanan tersebut.
Please choose the mode of transportation for this trip.
Sila pilih kaedah pengangkutan untuk perjalanan ini.
Trip #2
Trip #3
Trip #4
Trip #5
Trip #6
Trip #7
Trip #8
Trip #9
Trip #10
Trip #11
Please choose your starting location, destination and state the purpose of the trip
Trip #12
Trip #13
Please chooce your starting location, destination and state the purpose of the trip.
Trip #14
Trip #15
Trip #16
Trip #17
Trip #18
Trip #19
Trip #20
Please state your level of satifaction with current traffic infrastructure provided. / Sila nyatakan tahap kepuasan anda dengan perkhidmatan infrastruktur trafik semasa.
1 - Very not satisfied / Sangat tidak berpuas hati, 2 - Not satified / Tidak berpuas hati,
3 - Average / Sederhana, 4 - Satified / Berpuas hati, 5 - Very satisfied / Sangat berpuas hati
I hereby authorize the data provided for the used of the survey purpose,
Saya dengan ini membenarkan data yang disediakan untuk kegunaan tujuan tinjauan,