Waitlist Questionnaire
First Name
Last Name
Kennel Name, if any
Email Address
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Are you over 18? If no, please include parent’s name and phone:
Do you own, rent or other?If rent or other, are you allowed to have a dog?
Children at home and Ages:
When would you like a Shortybull/ ASAP or future date:
Are you looking for a puppy, juvenile/adult, retired:
Do you want Male? Female?
Do you plan to show/breed or just want a really awesome pet?
If you want to breed, have you previously bred dogs? If yes, please describe:
Do you have a fenced yard?
In what conditions will the dog live?:
Who will be the dog’s primary care giver?:
Will anyone be home during the day with the dog? If no, how many hours will the dog be alone and where will the dog be kept while alone?
Dogs previously owned & why no longer owned:
Number of dogs currently owned and breed(s):
Have you previously owned any Bulldog breeds?
If you have not owned a Shortybull before, briefly tell us what attracted you to this breed:
Briefly tell us what your goals are for this particular puppy:
References (Name and phone number or e-mail)Vet:Other:
Who may we thank for referring you to us, if any?
Should be Empty: