Fill out and submit this form to have a member of management begin the process of getting you booked for a birthday party. Depending on time of day submitted and day of week submitted, it could take 2-3 Business Days to respond as not all of our managers work every day, and or have access to all the systems. Busier movie days will keep us out in the lobby as well and away from the computers. We appreciate your patience and look forward to having you out for a birthday party!
Parties are scheduled into 3-hour time blocks for scheduling purposes due to the nature of the business, available films and showtimes are finalized the Monday prior to your party, and run times and schedule may affect the timing of the party time slot. All final booking will be confirmed by tuesday the week of. You will have access to the birthday party room for 1 hour before your scheduled movie.
$19.50 Per Child; 10 Child Minimum or flat $195 fee for party applies.
By Submitting this form, you agree to the following: Showtimes will not be known until sometimes 4-7 days in advance. We try to have tentative showtimes available a week and half ahead of time, but sometimes don't get to if we don't have the rights to a film at that time.