This is a submission of a body of work by one artist, or a group submitted by a curator to be considered for possible future shows at Arts Warehouse. Portfolio submission does not guarantee inclusion in the exhibition calendar.
Entry Deadline: Ongoing Submissions
Contact Email:
All Mediums, sizes, themes, content accepted.
Artists are encouraged to submit examples of works available to be considered in exhibition planning. Portfolio submissions are being accepted on a rolling basis. Artists will be given due notice if their work is selected into the final Exhibition Schedule with instructions and guidelines given by staff.
Portfolio Submission is open to all artists 18 or older from the United States
Number of Works
Artists/Curators may submit a minimum of 5 - Maximum of 12 pieces as an example of a body of work to be considered. Arts Warehouse may select pieces within the submitted in the body of work and not the entire submission.
Image Requirements
• All images must be in jpeg or png format in high resolution.
Delivery and *Shipping
Please note - If work is accepted & scheduled it may be hand delivered or shipped. *Round trip shipping of artwork is the responsibility of the artist.