Marketing Photography
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
I prefer to be contacted by:
Phone Call
Company Name
Company Website
What do you need photographed?
How many photos do you estimate you need?
How many hours would you estimate it would take to photograph all products?
Location where photography would take place?
Are you interested in video as well? Explain.
Are you also interested in hiring Fabulous Photos as a social media manager?
What is your budget?
Do you need to own the copyright of the photos so that you can advertise with them? (Example: Printing and publishing) This does NOT include advertising on your website and social media pages. (Psst...purchasing the copyright to photography will dramatically raise the price. By purchasing the copyright, you would be the only owner of the photos and you would be able to use them on a larger scale of advertising.)
Not Sure
Anything else I should know before providing a pricing estimate?
Should be Empty: