By Signing this Agreement and letting my dog stay at Connie's Canine Camp I/We understand that if my dog bies or causes injury to another animal or person during their stay I/We will be responsible for all veterinary and/or medical bills incurred as a result.
I/We give permission to Connie or Tommy Stovall or one of their agents, to take my dog(s) to the vet of their choice (unless otherwise specified)if my dog(s) should become ill during their stay and I/We will be responsible for all vet costs. CCC will make every effort to contact the dog owner before treatment is made.
I/We understand a copy of dog(s) current vaccine records are required. I/We also understand that dog(s) must wear a collar with ID tag, Rabies tag, and microchip tag (if applicable) at all times during their stay.
I/We will provide enough food for dog(s) stay, plus a couple of days incase your are delayed in returning. Provide kibble/dry food in a sealed container. Any special diet needs must be addressed prior to stay and may include additional fee.