By checking the ‘Yes, I agree’ box, and typing my name in the above box, I confirm that:
> I can print on paper this form or save or send the disclosure to a place where I can print it, for future reference and access; and
> I hereby certify that the statements and answers given on this form are accurate to the best of knowledge and understand it is my responsibility to inform this office of any changes in my health. I also understand that this information will be held in the strictest confidence.
> I specifically authorize the natural health practitioner at the Active Healing Center to perform a complete health analysis using various modalities and to develop a natural, complimentary health improvement program for me which may include dietary guidelines, nutritional supplements, etc. in order to assist me in improving my health, and not for the treatment, or "cure" of any disease.
> I understand that The Body Code, The Emotion Code, Nutrition Response Testing, Body Talk, Neuroemotional Technique, BioKinetics, Bioenergetic Synchronization Technique and Chiropractic care are safe, non-invasive, natural methods of analyzing the body's physical and nutritional needs, structural imbalances, and correcting those imbalances. Chiropractic manual manipulation has been shown, in very few cases, to cause injury such as stroke.
> I understand the The Body Code, The Emotion Code, Nutrition Response Testing, Body Talk, Neuroemotional Technique, BioKinetics, Bioenergetic Synchronization Technique and Chiropractic care are not methods for the "diagnosing" or "treating" of any disease including conditions of cancer, AIDS, infections, or other medical conditions, and that these are not being tested for or treated.
> No promise or guarantee has been made regarding the results of these techniques or any natural health, nutritional or dietary programs recommended, but rather I understand that The Body Code, The Emotion Code, Nutrition Response Testing, Body Talk, Neuroemotional Technique, BioKinetics, Bioenergetic Synchronization Technique and Chiropractic care are means by which the body's natural reflexes can be used as an aid to determining possible nutritional and structural imbalances, and emotional stressors, so that safe natural programs can be developed for the purpose of bringing about a more optimum state of health.
> This permission for applies to subsequent visits and consultations.