The All of Us Journey visits communities to raise awareness about the All of Us Research Program and provide access to enrollment through on-site devices and the enrollment center vehicles that serve as mobile enrollment sites. The mobile exhibits feature hands-on activities for visitors to learn about the benefits of participation.
- The East and Central Region All of Us Journeys are equipped for visitors to join the program and provide physical measurements, blood, and urine samples onboard.
- Please note: Due to logistical considerations and requirements, the East and Central Journey will stay at the same location for 4-5 days during weekdays (M-F) to maximize PM&B opportunities.
- The West All of Us Journey provides participants with awareness, education, and access to enroll and order salivary kits.
Please note that the Journey's schedule is confirmed 60-90 days in advance. We recommend that you submit your event opportunity as far in advance as possible even if all details are not yet finalized.
If you have questions please contact: Tom Bever, Sr. Program Manager
Regional Map Coming Soon