Section 1.0: Members of the Association shall consist of Associate, Professional, and Friend of RAO members.
A. Professional Membership requires completion of a 300 hour reflexology-only training course, 60% (180 hours) of which must have been taken in a live classroom setting.
a. Is open to a reflexologist certified by a school or a national non-profit reflexology testing board.
B. Associate Practitioner Membership requires completion of 200 – 299 hours of a reflexology-only course.
a. Is open to a reflexologist certified by a school or national non-profit testing board or accredited teacher of reflexology.
C. Friends of Reflexology Membership is open to non-certified reflexologists, a student training in reflexology, a client or other interested person, an agency, a school, a business, a manufacturer, state association, or any other entity concerned about, and desiring to support the growth and development of the field of reflexology.
Section 2.0: Privileges and Restrictions
A. Certified Professional Reflexologist Membership.
a. May help set policy.
b. Use the logo in their business of Reflexology.
c. Receive newsletters
d. Attend all functions of the Association sponsored events.
e. Sit on committees
f. Vote on issues before the assembly.
g. Hold office.
B. Associate Membership
a. May help set policy.
b. Use logo in their business of Reflexology.
c. Receive newsletters
d. Attend all functions of the Association sponsored events.
e. Sit on committees.
C. Friend of Reflexology Membership
a. Receive newsletters.
Article V. Dues
Section 1.0: Dues
A. The Board members shall review the membership dues annually and suggest proposed adjustments.
B. Members will be notified at least six weeks prior to any proposed changes.
C. Dues for Certified Professional Reflexologist annual memberships are set by the Reflexology Association of Ohio Board. The year runs from July 1 through June 30 of the following year.
D. Dues for the Associate Reflexologist annual memberships are as set by the Reflexology Association of Ohio Board. The year runs from July 1 through June 30 of the following year.
E. June 1 through June 30 is the renewal time for dues. If the Association has not received a member’s dues by June 30, the member will no longer be in good standing with the Association and all benefits and privileges will cease, except that a second notice shall be sent and a 30 day grace period will be given during which time the member may reclaim their status.
F. Dues received by December 31 of the year will be paid at the full rate. Any membership dues for first time members received January 1 of the year or subsequent will be at half rate.