Instructions for Team Member demographics entries below
Confirmed? : This is a yes/no question. If this student is a confirmed team member and the Gender, Ethnicity/Race, Free/Reduced Lunch, and zip code are accurate for this student, then please enter Yes. If the student is an expected team member and/or some of the information is not accurate, then please enter No.
Gender : Please enter one of the following for each student: Boy, Girl, or NonSpecified
Ethnicity/Race : Please enter what the team member identifies as their primary ethnicity or race. This should be one of the following for each student: White, Hispanic, African American, Native American, Chinese Asian, Indian Asian, Other Asian, Multiple Races, Decline to State or Other. If Other, please add explanation in comment box at end
Free / Reduced Lunch : Please enter Yes if the student would be eligible to receive a free or reduced lunch per the household income eligibility set by CA. Otherwise, please enter No
Zip Code : Please enter the home zip code for each student