*IMPORTANT - The information provided by you in this nomination application is the only information that the selection committee will use to evaluate the candidates. Please be sure to thoroughly answer the questions. The candidate and/or family members may need to be consulted by you to gather complete information.*
Please consider the following criteria when nominating Brownsburg alumni:
- Is a Brownsburg High School graduate who has been out of high school for a minimum of fifteen years.
- Has a special achievement within the nominee's profession.
- Has received honors, awards, or other recognitions on a local, regional, national, and/or international level.
- Has demonstrated leadership, character, and service to society in general, or to a specific segment of society.
- Is not currently a Brownsburg Community School Corporation employee.
Nomination applications should be completed thoroughly and be received no later than October 1.
Applications that do not contain the nominator's information or are otherwise incomplete will not be considered by the Selection Committee.