agree to protect, idemnify, save, and keep harmless, St. Joseph the Worker Parish, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Scranton, and Gallagher Bassett Insurance Services against and from any and all loss, cost, damage, or expense, arising out of, or from, any person or property whomsever and whatsoever; and will protect, indemnify, save and keep harmelss the above mentioned parties from any and all claims, costs, or expense arising out of any accident or other occurrence on or about said premises or in conjunction with any activity sponsored by St. Joseph the Worker Parish or the Roman Catholic Diocese of Scranton, causing injury to any person or property whomsoever or whatsover; and will protect indemnify, save and keep harmless the above mentioned parties from any and all claims, costs, or expnses arising out of any failure of any contractor in any respect to comply with and perform all requirements and provisions agreed-to and required by any law or ordinance related to the aforementioned premises or activites. I also hereby confirm that I have medical insurance or self-insured coverage which will be the sole provider of medical benefits and payments in the event of injury or illness arising out of any activity sponsored by St. Joseph the Worker Parish or the Roman Catholic Diocese of Scranton.