Submit an Event
Submit your event to be listed on the SE homepage Upcoming Events section. Events must be open to the public or available to a large number of the SE community. Events are subject for review and no guarantee it will be listed. An image MUST accompany the submission.
Event Title
Event Start DATE
Event Start TIME
HH:MM am/pm
Event End DATE
Event End TIME
HH:MM am/pm
Campus (which campus is hosting the event)
McCurtain County Campus
Oklahoma City
Event Location
Building, Room, Physical Address, etc .
Event Description
Tell the audience about the event, reservations required, etc.
Event Contact
Name, office, email, phone, web URL, etc.
Campus Contact (if different from Event Contact)
Name, office, email, phone, web URL, etc.
Who is targeted audience? (check all that apply)
Future students
Current students
Alumni / Special Guests
AGREEMENT: Events are to be SE sponsored and open to the public or available to a large number of the SE community.
Yes, I Understand
Events are subject for review and no guarantee it will be listed. You will not be contacted if event can or cannot be posted.
Yes, I Understand
Every event MUST have an accompanying image submitted at the time of the request.
Browse Files
jpg images are best
Should be Empty: