This model will help you to work out your pricing strategy, and so you can better answer the next question.....
The Procurement Quadrant
If a Buyer is procuring strategically, then they will have different decision drivers for different types of procured items. Please refer to Figure 1 below:

Purchasing non-critical items require the simplest procurement process. These are generally commodity items, that can be bought under the radar in small quantities with little impact to the business.
Leverage Items are high-value items that can be bought from any supplier. If one fails, there is another one to take its place. Buyers can shop around for the best price .
Bottleneck Items are generally low-value but failure can slow or halt the business. Examples include spare parts, specialty items where the number of ready suppliers are limited.
Strategic Items are generally high impact, usually service based, and include outsourcing and offshoring. The impact of failure is significant to the business, and changing suppliers can be expensive.