I certify that the above information is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that I may be handing animals while providing my volunteer services and their participating rescue partners and therefore exists a risk for personal injury. Such damages are not limited to but may include animal bites, accidents, injuries, and personal property damage.
I agree to release, discharge indemnify and hold SJBHS harmless for any and all damages to my personal property.
I consent to allow SJBHS and its agents to use my photographs, videos or film taken of me for use in public relations effors.
I understand that I am not covered by SJBHS Workman's Compensation or any other insurance policy for any damages or injuries I may sustain as a volunteer. I will complete a Volunteer Injury Report form if any accident or injury should occur, no matter how minor, and seek necessary medical attention utilizing personal insurance.
I understand that it is important to have a tetanus vaccination before joining the SJBHS voluntter team, and understand I must hold SJBHS harmless from all injuries, claims or other loss that I may incur because of not receiving a tetanus vaccination on my own accord.