All employees who are provided with a Company vehicle or an allowance, are required to complete a monthly mileage submission which details mileage completed in a period. Submissions should be made for each wage period, which is the 20th to the 21st of each month.
Templates are provided to download from the Fleet page of the Intranet and mileage submissions should be made on those templates.
· ASLGN170 New mileage template COMPANY owned
· ASLGN171 New mileage template DRIVER owned
There is no need to make a mileage submission where your vehicle has a tracker installed. Usage of trackers and processing of personal data is explained in ASLGN128 Vehicle Declaration.
Information required
Journey information provided should avoid the provision of personal data.
Information for business journeys should be limited to job number or job name and location.
Information for private journeys should be limited to a mileage figure only and not location information.
Submissions for those who are provided with a company vehicle
Employees who are provided with a Company vehicle will be charged private mileage at the appropriate rate, when the vehicle is used for private use.
Complete ASLGN170 in respect of each private journey that you make in the period and submit the form to Payroll.
Private journey use means journeys that are made in the company vehicle which are not work related. For office staff this includes journeys to and from home and an ABCA office. For field staff this does not include journeys to and from home and an ABCA office or site. If you are unsure on which type of private mileage is applicable to you, please speak with your line manager.
The amount you will be charged per mile will vary between car users and van users and will be reviewed on a periodic basis by the Company.
Submissions for those who are provided with a car allowance
Employees who are provided with a vehicle allowance should submit their mileage claim to the Company at the end of each wage period.
Complete ASLGN171 in respect of each business journey that you make in the period and submit the form to Payroll.
Business journeys are those made in an employee’s own vehicle which are work related. This includes journeys to and from home and a site. This does not include journeys to and from home and an ABCA office.
The amounts you can claim per mile are advised by HMRC and are referenced on ASLGN171.
Further Information
These forms will be reviewed and approved for payroll purposes. Falsification of these forms may be seen as a disciplinary offence and spot checks are completed on a random basis.
Falsification of any mileage submission could be classed as gross misconduct.
When signing this Policy, you confirm that you have read and understood the contents of this Policy and are of aware of the differences between company and driver owned vehicles, and the classification of journeys as private and business journeys.