The BBT Monthly Gameplan Form is designed to help us see your progress as members in our training programs. As a critical part of the BBT success system, the BBT Gameplan is designed to help you build your goals, set benchmarks and knock them out of the park!
Purposes: The BBT Gameplan allows you as members to set clear defined goals as well perfect your success plan.
Time Estimate: 3 to 6 Minutes (But who is really counting?)
Table: This BBT Gameplan is designed to be 30 questions and slides to help you build your goals. Rmember, 5 Minutes of planning can equal an hour action! Take your time!
Part 1: Month Review
Part 2: Month Check In
Part 3: BBT Month Gameplan
Be Truthful: Yes this may eye opnning but your repsoses will impact how we will coach you, communciate with you and gameplan around you through your time at BBT. Don't lie to us (the pain is just too much).
Take Your Time: This time is about you and your goals. Make this time impoartant and give your goals and joruney the throught it needs to mamximize your success. is first step of your new journey. Do you really want to rush your answers that are key in helping us unlock your future? (Rememebr you paid for this)
Be Thorough: We ask that you are thorough, detailed and introspecitve in your repsonses to us. In short, be the energy that you want to see from us. Take your time!
Frequently Asked Questions:
How many times will I have to complete this form?
We comeplete this form monthly! This form is a major part of goalsetting at BBT and building your fitness lifestyle.
How does this help my joruney at BBT Fitness?
The BBT Gameplan is designed to help your be introspective about your fitness, nutrition & lifestyle goals while building your gameplan for the future. By completing the BBT Gameplan consistently, you will be increase the likelihood of success as well as have access to a trackable road to success!