Thank you for your interest in Dog Gone Smart's Therapy Dog Skills class. Teaching Therapy Dog class has been a passion of Betsy's since she started as Training Coordinator and assistant trainer for the Good Dog Foundation 20 years ago, and as having visited for many years with my own therapy dog.
In this course, we will be working towards getting your dogs certified with Pet Partners. More information can be found on their website here:
Videos of each part of the "PP Team Evaluations" can be found here:
The session is offered periodiallly throughout the year pending many different scheduling factors. Completing this form will put you on the notification list for when the schedule is posted. You will need to reserve your space with payment and registration as space is limited. This course runs for 6 weeks.
Please keep in mind that the prerequisites for this class are that dogs must have taken at least 2 levels of basic training classes, and they must be dog-friendly and people-friendly.