Destination Organization Leadership Survey
Rate your Destination Organization Effectiveness by completing this survey. It is easy to do since most questions are close-ended and a FREE evaluative summary report will be provided to you confidentially within 2 weeks. It is our intention that in the near future that several demographic comparisons can be made to show your standing among others and offer additional improvement advice.
This Destination Organization Leadership Survey is based on 15 Benchmark Success Initiatives that have been identified by Destination Consultancy Group and Believable Brands advisory principals from their in-depth assessment of over 200 selected client destination marketing/management organizations in the United States and Canada over the past 12 years. The analysis was predicated on the determination of areas of priority focus, new program investment and program anticipated higher returns.
There are five core destination marketing and sales management success initiatives and 10 aspiring destination management and leadership success initiatives. The survey is asking for respondent use of each success initiative strategies and best practices and if not, the level of importance to do so.
If your Destination Organization has the initiative and best practice in place indicate yes. If not, please rank your perception of the level of importance (1 is strongly unimportant, 2 is unimportant, 3 is neither unimportant nor important, 4 is important and 5 is strongly important). If the initiative is not applicable or you don’t know, indicate Don’t Know/Not Applicable.
The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete depending on your responses and optional commentary. All submitted responses are kept confidential and personal Destination Organization information and results will be provided only to each respondent. Aggregate outcomes will only be reported.
NOTE: If you must leave the survey you can safely close the browser
and later return to the survey link that will be sent to the email provided. Your responses will be saved. Click ‘Next’ and proceed to where you left off.
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