SOMO Athlete Leadership Practicum Form
Please fill out this form to receive credit for your class. Please make sure your mentor knows that you are submitting this. Your instructor will email you if you completed the homework correctly. If you do not hear from your instructor, feel free to email them directly. You will fill out one of these forms for EACH of the classes you're submitting homework for. For example: If you need to submit homework for three classes, you'll fill out this out and submit it three times.
Athlete-Leader Name
First Name
Last Name
Athlete-Leader E-mail
Athlete-Leader Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Mentor Name
First Name
Last Name
Mentor Email
Mentor Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Date you took the class
What class are you submitting for?
Capstone II
Coaching Etiquette
Engaged Storytelling
Exercise Science
Fundraising for Athlete-Leaders
Global Messenger 1
Global Messenger 2
Google Slides/PowerPoint
Health Ambassadors
Input Councils
Intro to ALPs
Intro to Coaching
Job Skills
Lifetime Health & Fitness
Nutrition & You
Personal Finances
Phone Photography
Social Media/Blogging
Sport Lessons
Sport Psychology
Teamwork/Problem Solving
Videography: Journalism
Videography: Behind the Camera
What did you do to complete your practicum? Be as detailed as possible. Include dates and hours and contacts made if applicable.
What are some things you learned from this class and what you learned from working on this practicum?
What do you still need from SOMO to be a better leader?
How can we improve Athlete Leadership?
If you need to upload photos or other documents as part of your practicum, please do so here.
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