Teaching Triangles Initiative
If a full-time or adjunct faculty member would like to be part of a teaching triangle and receive some money for the time they invest in it, the Faculty Development Committee proposes the following set of conditions in order to receive funds.
Full time faculty earn $100 per Teaching Triangle up to $300 per academic year. The faculty could potentially be part of up to three triangles via UQI funding. Alternatively, full-time faculty might be part of one teaching triangle and reserve the rest of their UQI money for other activities that academic year. Adjunct faculty would be eligible for one teaching triangle ($100) and the remaining $50 could be used for other UQI activities that academic year.
To encourage faculty to form triangles with those outside of their discipline, if all the faculty are from outside of each other’s disciplines, then each faculty member receives $150 instead of $100. Adjunct faculty would receive $150 in this situation, as well. Full-time faculty would then have $150 left of UQI money available to them that academic year or they could be part of another teaching triangle under the same conditions. Adjunct faculty would have no UQI funding left for that academic year.
Faculty participating in Foundations classes may not use their partners as part of a Teaching Triangle for funding (“double-dipping”). However, if faculty want to participate in a different Teaching Triangle, and want UQI funds, they can.
Members of FETs are eligible for receiving funds as long as all members of the FET observe each other. The FET members must complete the Teaching Triangle before reviewing the candidate (one of the benefits being members can norm on expectations and criteria as regards the candidate). The candidate is not a member of the Teaching Triangle, as that would constitute a conflict of interest.
The conditions to receive the incentive are as follows:
1. A proposal must be submitted from each member of the triangle. In it, the faculty member indicates who is in the triangle, and what insights they hope to gain from their participation. There should also be a signature line for the department chair or dean to indicate pre-approval. The proposal should be submitted as an attachment through the Teacher Triangle jotform on the Faculty Development page (snow.edu/facdev) or on the Canvas Faculty Development page.
2. Faculty observe one class of each of the other triangle participants. The participants meet with each other after the observations to discuss what they saw. To document completion of the teaching triangle, each teacher will post to the Teaching Triangle jotform on the Faculty Development page (snow.edu/facdev), or on Canvas, one of the artifacts listed in bullet three below.
3a. Option 1: Write up a couple of paragraphs, for each observation, where the faculty indicate two items that they found useful for their teaching or course construction and how they plan to implement one of them.
3b. Option 2: Based on your observations, create or revise an assignment (or activity) you plan to implement in class. If this is a revision of an existing assignment, it should include the original and revised assignment with a reflection on what changes you made and why.
3c. Option 3: Create a 6 to 10 minute audio/video presentation of what you have learned through the experience and how it will change your instruction. (TTC can assist with recording and uploading of the presentation.)
4. Your department chair or dean should write a letter of support indicating how your submitted artifact adds to your professional development as a teacher and thus merits the incentive money. You would submit this letter on the same Teaching Triangle jotform on the Faculty Development page (snow.edu/facdev) or Canvas.