The Lab recognizes the evolving use of technology on education supports the appropriate use of the Lab network and internet as tools for instruction, research, communication and data collection.
The assure success for all students, we provide internet access at The Lab. Please read the following guidelines and sign.
1. Students will have access to email and internet based resources.
2. Responsibility. The Lab has taken reasonable precautions to restrict access to "harmful sites" and materials that do not support approved educational activities. However on a public network it is impossible to control all materials. The teacher/staff will choose materials based on the child's age, maturity and ability. Use of any information obtained through the internet is at the user's risk.
3. Acceptable use. The purpose of having access to the internet at The Lab is to support research and education only. Use of the internet must be consistent with these purposes and the educational objectives of The Lab.
4. Prohibited use. Transmission of any material in violation of state or federal law is prohibited. This includes the distribution of information that violates or infringes on the rights of others as well as "hacking."
5. Privileges. Use of The Lab internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of those privileges.
6. Security. Security on any computer is a high priority. If you feel you can identify a security problem, you must notify our director in writing, in person or via the internet.
7. Vandalism. Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges.
8. Use of personal devices while at The Lab. Use of personal devices at The Lab by students is prohibited unless specifically requested by staff or a teacher. Cell phones are to remain put away until the end of the day. Students who do not adhere to this policy will be required to turn in their phones to the office until the end of the day. Students with repeated offenses will be required to leave their phone and other personal devices at home.
I understand and will abide by the above terms and conditions for access to the internet.
I understand the signatures on this document are binding and indicate the parties who signed have read the terms and conditions and understand their significance.