Welcome Faculty! Thank you for your interest in campus-wide service.
As stated in the college's Institutional Effectiveness Manual, "The Academic Senate is also responsible for selecting faculty representatives for committees."
This form is an initial mechanism for notifying the Academic Senate of your interest in serving on particular campus committees. It may also serve, however, as a tool for the Academic Senate to recommend committees you may be interested in, especially those that do not require official appointment (see below).
You may submit this form at any time to indicate a desire for future service. When specific vacancies arise, general announcements will be sent out. In addition, all effort will be made to notify you individually if you have expressed interest for that specific committee on this form.
Your submitted form will remain valid for two academic years.
Committees that DO NOT require appointment
Committees listed below require appointment by the Academic Senate, but there are several committees that do not. Many committees are open to any faculty member who wishes to attend and participate. These include but are not limited to the Diversity Committee, Distance Learning Committee, Student Learning Outcomes Committee, and the Campus Well-Being Committee. See the Committee Vacancies spreadsheet for details about meeting days and times.
The Curriculum Committee and the Academic Senate are committees members are elected to. Calls for nominations and elections occur each Spring semester.
Academic Senate Committee Appointment Procedures.
Descriptions of Academic Senate Standing Committees can be found in our Bylaws.
See the Institutional Effectiveness Manual for information on other college committees, including descriptions and meeting days/times, as well as an overview of the college's governance structure.
A red asterisk * means a response is required.