Rules for conducting Town Hall Meetings
The Town Hall meetings are open to anyone who registers and accepts this Honor Code. The goal of the Honor Code is to promote a healthy exchange of ideas and make participants feel that they can express their opinions freely and to ensure order and decorum.
By Registering you acknowledge and declare the following:
- I have read and hereby accept to abide by these rules and procedures, including any rules set by the Moderator, as necessary, if not explicitly stipulated in the present Honor Code.
- I accept that Greek, French or English can be used at the sole discretion of the participant. I can always ask for someone to help with translation and no comment or derogatory statement will be allowed.
- I will refrain from yelling or speaking at higher volume .
- I will respect the time limits.
- I will behave in an orderly manner and follow the instructions of the Moderator.
- I will act in good faith and refrain from actions that can be considered inappropriate.
- I will not use language that is considered insulting or inappropriate towards any participant and/or member, and /or representative of the HCGM including any member of the BOD;
- I will not use any foul language (swear words).
- If asked by the Moderator, I will leave the Town Hall meeting, peacefully and in an orderly manner.
- I understand that no recording or taping of the Town Hall meeting will be permitted without the written consent of the BOD of the HCGM.
- I understand that no decisions regarding any matters pertaining to the HCGM will be taken in the Town Halls, and as such, no voting on any topics will take place.
- I understand that during the Town Hall, theses rules of conduct will stand and no changes or amendment can be made during the meeting other than by the moderator to ensure open discussion, equal opportunity for all to speak as well as order and respect.
- Moderator shall make all necessary decisions to ensure that all these rules and procedures are respected and applied during the Town Hall and shall make sure that everyone who wants to speak has a turn before anyone is allowed to speak a second time.
- I understand that the Town Hall is a place to exchange ideas regarding community matters and ask questions as to how these matters can be handled and shall be a place for a free and respectful exchange between members, interested parties of the HCGM and the BOD of the HCGM and it much be done in the outmost good faith and respect to all. .
- I understand that solely the BOD of the HCGM, and the moderator as provided herein, shall have the rights to set and amend any of the foregoing rules and procedures from time to time.