The purpose of the Munsey Scholarship endowment is to provide scholarships for college students who are members of Munsey Memorial United Methodist Church. Awards are based on scholarship, service, need, and church involvement.
The endowment was established as a memorial by several members or families of members of the church in memory of those who were especially interested in helping students obtain assistance in earning a college degree. One bequest requires that the recipient be a nursing student.
Funds are invested in instruments determined by Trustees of the church. The prinicipal is to remain intact, and the earnings are used to support scholarships. If qualified applicants are not available, earnings will be added to the scholarship fund to accrue as interest for use at a later time.
The Munsey Scholarship Committee selects the recipients. That committee decides the number of scholarships and the value of each depending on funds available each year and the varying needs of the applicants. The amounts awarded depend upon the return from investments.
The Munsey Scholarship Committee shall prepare award letters for the recipients. Copies will be sent to the senior pastor, business manager and chairperson of the Trustees. The church business manager will send a check in the amount of the award to the chosen institution that will give the balance, if any, to the student after expenses are paid.
1. A minimum 2.5 high school grade point average, a minimum score of 19 on the ACT instrument or a minimum total score of 800 on the SAT, and a minimum 2.5 college grade point average if applying for renewal;
2. A completed Scholarship Application, in full, with submission by the deadline announced in the Messenger and Update each year;
3. Be pursuing an associate's or bachelor's degree in any field or a graduate degree in full-time Christian ministry;
4. Be enrolled full-time (12 credit hours) each semester or quarter;
5. Be eligible for a scholarship for up to four consecutive years;
6. Understand that the amount of the awards may vary from year to year since the scholarships are dependent upon the returns from investment.
1. A completed Munsey Scholarship Application.
2. If you will graduate from high school this year, your high school unofficial December transcript. If you are already in college, a copy of your unofficial December transcipt.
*Scholarships will be awarded based on scholastics, service, need, and church involvement.
This form can be filled out electronically only. We will not accept any printed forms.
Deadline: January 31, 2025