For association usage only
Invoice: ___________________________________GL # ________________ Date: _______________
HST (15%) _________________
Sub-total: __________________Total: ______________________
Prepared by ________________________________
Signature __________________________________
**Please note that the Collection facility address is the one that will be listed on the Atlantic Used Oil Management Association's website.
*If you haven't found your Collector yet, choose one servicing your area using the collector finder tool on our website.
This agreement authorizes the Atlantic Used Oil Management Association to register your company with the Atlantic Used Oil Management Association as a collection facility for used oils and glycols (antifreezes), used oil filters, used oil, glycol (antifreeze) and diesel exhaust fluid containers of 50 litres or less (including cleaners for automotive parts and lubricant aerosol containers) for the general public.
Your information will be posted on our website or given verbally to those who call in. You agree to function as a collection facility for a minimum of 1 year. As such, you agree to offer the drop-off service free of charge to the public. You are responsible for contacting the Atlantic Used Oil Management Association to report any changes that occur to the information posted on the website. The Atlantic Used Oil Management Association will send you a one-time sign-up bonus of $ 100.00 plus taxes after 3 months of operation as a thank you for assisting the Atlantic Used Oil Management Association program. Your company will continue to be displayed on our website as an active collection facility until such time as you request to be removed.
I, {contactInformation}, {title} , declare to be duly authorized to act herein and certify that our company, association or municipality {companyName} acts in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.