Thank you for your interest in offering a program through the Martinsburg-Berkeley County Parks and Recreation Department. In order to be in consideration as a program instructor, you must complete and submit Program Proposal Form describing the class, activity or program that you would like to offer/instruct. The following information and policies will help you to complete the Program Proposal Form Please allow up to 10 days to be contacted regarding your proposal once it has been submitted. Please note that not all proposals are accepted, or accepted at the time they are submitted. However, we appreciate the ideas received and discussing their possibilities.
Definition of Program Instructor Independent Contractor
All program instructors are set up on a mutual agreement basis. The contractor will not be considered a regular employee of M-BC Parks & Recreation, but shall be considered an independent contractor and as such will not be entitled to insurance, sick leave, vacation, workers compensation or any other employee benefits given to regular wage employees.
Responsibilities of the Program Instructor
The program instructor is responsible for outlining all details of the program they wish to instruct and submitting a program proposal form for consideration. The Program Coordinator and/or Park & Recreation Director will assist the program instructor to ensure that all details are finalized and to coordinate availability and scheduling. All details must be approved by and finalized with the Program Coordinator and/or Park & Recreation Director.
Minimum Qualifications
The program instructor must be at least 18 years of age and have at least one year of experience directly related to the program idea that they wish to implement. A background check or proof of a valid, in-date background check WILL BE required prior to the implementation of your program idea using the company that M-BC Parks & Recreation has partnered with. The fee for this background check will be incurred by the program instructor.
Program Submission Deadline
All program proposals must be submitted prior to the seasonal submission deadlines listed below. This will allow the Program Coordinator and/or Park & Recreation Director the necessary time to review program, and if approved, market the activity and allow ample time for participants to register for the program.
- Winter (December-February) -Submission deadline: September 1st
- Spring (March-May) - Submission deadline: January 1st
- Summer (June-August) - Submission deadline: April 1st
- Fall (September-November) - Submission deadline: July 1st
Program Registration and Waivers
The Parks and Recreation Department performs all program registrations. Participants must pay in full at the time of registration. Participants are required to sign waivers at the time of registration that release M-BC Parks & Recreation, staff, and instructors from all liability.
Fees and Instructor Payment
Our goal is to provide an array of programs that provide affordable and experiential opportunities as a “service” to the community. Pricing proposals should be presented so as to provide an incentive and not be cost-prohibitive.
Program instructors are paid a pre-determined percentage or rate based on the primary Berkeley County resident fee associated with registration. The percentage of the primary fees will be multiplied by the number of participants enrolled in the program in order to determine the amount to be paid to the program provider. Therefore, when determining the per participant class fee, please take this policy into consideration.
Program Marketing and Promotion
M-BC Parks & Recreation reserves the right to modify program narrative/details for marketing and/or formatting purposes. The Program Coordinator and/or Park & Recreation Director will work with the program instructor to develop marketing and promotional materials. As part of the mutual agreement, programs are promoted using some or all of the following venues:
- Website: Martinsburg-Berkeley County’s website ( provides information about the Parks and Recreation Department, its facilities and programs. The public can also view and download forms as well as access online registration for programs, leagues and activities. Any important notices or information are updated regularly. This includes new programs, programs needing a boost in registration and/or those events that the department chooses to emphasize.
- Flyers: All marketing and promotional materials will be created by M-BC Parks & Recreation. These are posted in the parks and other pertinent locations, as are possible, which will be discussed with the program instructor. Flyers/posters submitted by the program provider must be reviewed and approved prior to posting. The Program Coordinator and/or Park & Recreation Director may assist in the creation of flyers/posters to help promote programs.
- Photographs: M-BC Parks & Recreation staff will take photographs and/or video of programs for future promotional purposes. However, we will gladly accept and consider any photographs or icons associated with the program to be used in promotional materials that the program instructor provides.
- Press Releases: M-BC Parks & Recreation submits weekly press releases to local media outlining classes with upcoming start dates. The newspapers’ editors can choose to write an article about a program or post them in the upcoming events section of the newspaper. M-BCPR does not have control over what the news media chooses to cover/post.
- Program Instructors: Additionally, it is understood that the program instructor will also employ any means at their disposal to assist in the promotion of the program(s) and enrollment efforts.
Other Information to Consider
- Popularity: Classes often take time to gain popularity. Details about a program may need to be adjusted to help increase enrollment. No changes will be made to the program without the program provider’s consent.
- Americans with Disability Act (ADA): M-BC Parks & Recreation strictly adheres to the Americans with Disability Act’s standards and requirements. In particular, reasonable accommodations must be made for anyone to participate in any program offered at its facilities. If a participant requests assistance to participate in a program, M-BC Parks & Recreation will work with the program provider to coordinate this assistance.
- Solicitation: Under no circumstance can program instructors use programs to sell products or services, excluding class supplies; or use any program as a means to solicit private business.
Questions: If you need additional information or questions addressed please contact M-BCPR via email at